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The Concept

Set in 1767, the story takes place during an exclusive and fictional masquerade hold at the Bargellinis’ mansion, the private residence of a Bolognese senatorial family. The player can customize their own avatar during the interactive experience (by choosing every feature of their persona such as preferred pronouns, looks, accessories, profession and name) and can then interact with the unique scenarios offered by The Invitation. The story can be explored trough 6 different routes, one for each NPC (non-player character) developed for the application: the cast is made up by fictional characters inspired by figures of the time (such as, for example, Lazzaro Spallanzani) and it can be described as diverse, historically accurate and, obviously, irresistible. The game is intertwined with the non-virtual activity accessible at the free visit at Palazzo Davia Bargellini, the story’s setting and the  inspiration behind the application itself: these experiences are inherently connected and can influence one another from a cultural and emotional point of view, therefore it is advised and encouraged to visit the museum before starting a route.

Image by Karla Caloca

To better display the unfolding of the story, we developed a Twine map, illustrating the ramifications of every possible turn the user’s experience could take: keep in mind that every route will have a complex and articulate narrative, with multiple scenarios and endings absolutely affected by the player’s decisions and preferences.

Conceptual Map


Creation Process

By utilising the ideation cards , we proceeded with identifying our target audience, the available assets and what our institutional goal would be: we already had a clear idea of how we wanted our experience to be like, but this step helped us to better understand possible issues or weaknesses and, also, it brought us to think about the concept itself in a critical and aware way.

Target audience
Institutional goals
Mainly teenagers or young adult (13 to 18+ years old)
Increase visitors' number
History "nerds" and antiquities connoisseurs
Digital Resources
Increase educational activities
Individuals passionate about "otome" games, dating sims and visual novels
Educational Activities
Use assets in a new way
Increase visitor participation

After having defined these features, we started to focus more on other important aspects of the concept ideation, such as the emotional motivations behind the application, the possible issues a user could stumble upon while approaching or living trough the experience and the potential capabilities of the app itself.

Emotional Motivations
Possible Issues
Potential Capabilities
Related Technologies
QR Code
Not so well known location
Mobile Apps
Unity - TyranoBuilder
Sense of Wonder
Digital Divide
Time Travel
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