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Our Team.

The team collaborated throughout the development of the all project. The main idea was conceived by Francesca and each of us took care of the creation of two characters but the knowledge of history and editing skills were shared. This website is part of the evaluation project for the course Digital Heritage and Multimedia held by Simona Caraceni and  Sofia Pescarin at the University of Bologna in the a.y. 2021/2022. 


Benyon, David. Designing Interactive Systems. 2nd ed. Essex, UK: Pearson Education Limited, 2010. Bitgood, Stephen. “Museum Fatigue: A Critical Review.” Visitor Studies 12, no. 2 (2009): 93–111.

Van der Stigchel, Stefan, and Christian N. Olivers. “The Flexible Nature of the Interaction Between Attention and Working Memory.” Journal of Cognition 2, no. 1 (2019).


Benyon D., (2010). Designing Interactive Systems, United States: Addison-Wesley

Vaccarone A., Sità M.G., Vitale C. (2014). Poetiche e culture dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri, Bologna: Zanichelli.


Caraceni, Simona.  Designing a taxonomy for virtual museums for the use of AVICOM professionals, Plymouth University, 2015.

Il Museo d'arte industriale e la Galleria Davia Bargellini, Museo civico d'arte industriale e Galleria Davia Bargellini <Bologna>
Cataloghi Officine grafiche reggiane 1928

Styx, Lauren <> (2022) 

Ćosović, M.; Brkić, B.R. Game-Based Learning in Museums—Cultural Heritage Applications. Information 2020, 11, 22.

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